Davide Melini is an Italian filmmaker and has made 4 short films so far in his career. He has also worked in Rome, as assistant director, in some features (the last one is in Dario Argento's "Mother of Tears: The Third Mother"). The Puzzle was shot it in one day with a budget of 300 Euro and has been screening on numerous international festivals (with the award as '3rd Best Italian Film' at the "Rome International Film Festival").
The sweet hand of the White Rose have won several awards (for example the '2nd Best Independent Film of the Year' at the Italian festival "Indie Horror"; the 'Best Cinematography' award at the Spanish festival "Cesur en Corto"; the "Honorable Mention" at the American festival "Tabloid Witch Awards") and has been screened in a lot of countries (US, Spain, Italy, South Africa). The short has also been selected in the official competition in many prestigious festivals, like the "Málaga Spanish Film Festival", the "David di Donatello Award" and the "South African HorrorFest" (that is the most important festival of terror in Sout Africa).
Both movies have been broadcast on "Coming Soon Television" (Italian TV) and on "PTV Málaga" (Spanish TV) and received many great reviews around the world like US, Canada, England, Austria, France, Holland, Spain, Italy, Germany, Hungary, South Africa and Australia
I must admit that I enjoy see gory killings in movies but that have nothing to do with death in real life or that I never reflect on my life and what’s happening around me or in the dirty, mean world. When it comes to horror I usually don´t want to have neither political nor human reflections about situations around the world, because I see this on the news every day. I have noticed lately when it comes to short movies they often incorporate stories that makes you stop and think about the meaning of life and injustice in the world. I feel shorts are a perfect tool to reach out important messages you want to tell others.
The Puzzle
The first short is only about five minutes long and I was thinking, how to I write a review about a 5-minute-short-movie? A woman gets a phone call from her son who wants her money but she refuse and hang up the phone. Later, she begins to make a puzzle that later make her terrified. After seeing the movie, I gave it a little thought. I drew parallels, if life is like a puzzle. When you have solved the puzzle and the last piece is placed the life is over. All the pieces symbolize life events during your lifetime and everything must be in order to work. Thinking in these terms, I want a puzzle with many different pieces and not just a big blue sky.
The Sweet Hand of the White Rose
To make the story short, it's about a man tormented by an accident that kills a little girl on a bicycle. As with The Puzzle it has a message and that's the most important. Once again I let you read my thoughts and my reflection on the story. The accident happens because he is a bit careless when driving because he has driven the road so many times before and his girlfriend, calling on the cell phone makes so he lose concentration on his driving. I think many of us recognize ourselves in this situation where you are careless just because you have done the same thing so many times, especially at work. You get a form of false sense of security. Occasionally people accidentally do things or says something that might have major consequences for others but also to you. I have been close to collide with my car once because I was in a hurry to a music festival and made a senseless decision. I´m still alive and thank God for that so be careful and think twice when it might be necessary.
The film is on the whole very well done in the story, cinematography and the actors who acting in the movie makes a very good job. Thumbs up for this little piece of “thinking” work.