”The Crazy World of Petter Baiestorf” Part 3
"Vadias do SexoSangrento" tells the story of Tura (Ljana Carrion) and Mirza (Lane ABC) which are two lesbians fleeing Russ (PC), ex-boyfriend of Tura. After fighting the love triangle, lesbians cross paths with Esquisito (Coffin Souza), a vegetarian who was raped by 48 priests, and all end in an orgy of blood.
"Vadias do SexoSangrento" is radical experimentalism (continuing the book "Manifesto Canibal" written by me and Coffin Souza), which explores the possibilities for the possible cinematic storytelling with the narrator / author of the film "tricking" the film's audience.
"Vadias do SexoSangrento" is a romantic comedy than the legendary George Kuchar, to assist him, said: "Baiestorf Have a wild and free spirit."
In the beginning of the movie it shows a close-up of a woman's pussy, and soon she starts fondling her wet horny pussy with one of her hands, and this is both pleasant and a bit repulsive.The film has much nudity and is quite sexy at times but all the blood and obscure scenes ruin the sense of the erotic in the film. Of all movies I've seen so far, this is clearly the dirtiest of them all and I get the feeling that Petter potentially could make a damn good porn movie with an entertaining story.
Tomas Larsson: Have you done any porn or have you ever considered making someone in the future?
PetterBaiestorf: In 1998 I made a tasteless feature porn and had a pretty big financial loss with my eschatological gore porn that featured, among other things, masturbation stuffed with chicken feet, anal sex with lighted candles, sexual wounds, etc. My dream was to mix politics with explicit sex and religious criticism, but there is no audience for this kind of movies. I learned this in practice! This extreme porn called "SacanagensBestiais dos ArcanjosFálicos" and not screened and yet unfortunately still unpublished on DVD. Porn conventional does not interest me; I'm a big fan of porn obscure things like "Hardgore" or "Thundercrack." In 1998 I also wrote and directed the feature film "Gore Gore Gays", which featured some explicit sex scenes. With " Vadias do SexoSangrento" would not make an erotic film, but give continuity to the kind of fun movies that were made in Brazil in 1980. Sure overreacted a little bit! Currently not meeting investors and developers interested in making sexually explicit gore movies, so I'm doing some movies more normal, but still come back to make more movies involving with wild, crazed dirty porn and politics.
I get the feeling that your movies are always symbolic and have an underlying message that you want to tell in your very special way.In Vadias do SexoSangrento it feels like you want to show that we men are real assholes and carries the major reason that our wives or girlfriends leave us.We rape and violate us against the other sex ruthlessly because our sexual instincts which some men cannot control.
The movie portrays in clarity that we sometimes cannot accept when our beloved once leaves us for another,but quite often we probably deserve it because of our brusque behavior. In this case, Tura leavingher boyfriend and if that's not enough, she does it with another woman. This annoys and exasperates Russ to such a degree that he decides to kill Kelly. Every year we see similar cases in real life that exactly follows this pattern. You describe this in your very special way, all men take their opportunity to rape and torture all the women in the flick, but youdo it in a way that makes me think that we men are one son of a bitch. Youshow that we men are in fact the weak sex and have to resort to violence to assert themselves.
PB: Yes, "Vadias do Sexo Sangrento" is about sexism, about the uncontrollable primal instinct of sex. Brazil is essentially sexist society, usually Brazilian men think they are "owners" of their wives or girlfriends and wanted to talk about it in the short course of my exaggerated way of addressing more serious issues. Many men dominate women here with money, when they cannot control them with money they use violence, sexual and physical. I have great respect for women, I admire their strength and weakness! And I think all of us, men, pathetic! In the movie all the male characters are stupid and brutal, including the narrator of the film, the end of everything, rapes the female characters. Of course not all men are like this, but if you study the history of the world you will find thousands of examples of violence against women. And worst of all is that many women accept that! I think tragic to think that women are religious, religions worldwide have prejudices against women, by logic women should abhor these religions sexist. The world society is sexist, I think women should open their eyes, and mind, and strive for a libertarian society, I think disgusting when I hear screaming feminists who want equality and equality means that women are soldiers and go to war, for example!
TL: Aside from all the nice nudity, you have some breathtaking scenes. The scene where a woman puts her fist in a guy´s ass and pulls out the intestine is a bit special. How did you get this idea?
PB: My grotesque sense of humor told me: “Kill a sexist by pulling his guts out throughout the ass!" And so I did to the sound of Sponge bob Square pants to get even more insane! It was extremely fun filming this scene, Coffin Souza and Carli Bortolzanza, who are short of gore makeup, and they were quite embarrassed about actor’s ass makeup. "Vadias do Sexo Sangrento" was shot in just five days, with a chill of about 10 degrees and all actors/actresses were naked. Of all movies I have done so far this set was the quietest one. I was fortunate to work with a wonderful staff that identified themselves with the script and gave so much of themselves for the movie to stay fun!
Another part of the movie I like is the crazy guy who collects vaginas. Really disgusting, but with a great sense of humor, if you like that sort of obscure madness and can see the fun in it. The sum of the whole flick is that we get a nasty combination of odd, disgusting episodes, mixed with some dirty sexy scenes, but also a lot of humor. Petter has definitely opened new doors with his unique filmmaking.
I get the feeling that your movies are always symbolic and have an underlying message that you want to tell in your very special way.In Vadias do SexoSangrento it feels like you want to show that we men are real assholes and carries the major reason that our wives or girlfriends leave us.We rape and violate us against the other sex ruthlessly because our sexual instincts which some men cannot control.

TL: Aside from all the nice nudity, you have some breathtaking scenes. The scene where a woman puts her fist in a guy´s ass and pulls out the intestine is a bit special. How did you get this idea?
PB: My grotesque sense of humor told me: “Kill a sexist by pulling his guts out throughout the ass!" And so I did to the sound of Sponge bob Square pants to get even more insane! It was extremely fun filming this scene, Coffin Souza and Carli Bortolzanza, who are short of gore makeup, and they were quite embarrassed about actor’s ass makeup. "Vadias do Sexo Sangrento" was shot in just five days, with a chill of about 10 degrees and all actors/actresses were naked. Of all movies I have done so far this set was the quietest one. I was fortunate to work with a wonderful staff that identified themselves with the script and gave so much of themselves for the movie to stay fun!
Another part of the movie I like is the crazy guy who collects vaginas. Really disgusting, but with a great sense of humor, if you like that sort of obscure madness and can see the fun in it. The sum of the whole flick is that we get a nasty combination of odd, disgusting episodes, mixed with some dirty sexy scenes, but also a lot of humor. Petter has definitely opened new doors with his unique filmmaking.
Stay tuned, more to come in next part in this series about Better Baiestorf.
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